Well, here we are, another year has flown by and blown us all away scandal by scandal, and more importantly by the frightening and exciting changes and challenges our country and the world face. Do we dare hope for the best in the nick of time? Do we have the luxury and blessings of time to make the changes necessary before it's too late? After all, it is mandatory that it be a global effort, given the fact that the process of global warming is moving at a faster rate than expected. We have seen living proof in America , that despite 8 years of a burgled and bungled Presidency, that our Democratic system is still viable. I can't help but wonder what Lincoln and MLK would say about Obama's historical election win!! After just having watched the film Amazing Grace, I'm sure Captain John Newton is also rejoicing on the other side!!
I don't make New Years resolutions because they often fade into oblivion. I have come to a decision about it though. I 'm realizing that I need something much more powerful than a resolution. What I and maybe all of us need is a revolution, in our way of thinking. It has everything to do with how I look at the world and my connection to humanity on a personal level, and on a grandiose universal level. Let's face it, it's so easy to disconnect, isolate, and bury our heads who knows where. So, my revolution for the new year is to STAY AWAKE!! PAY ATTENTION, and take the Hypocratic Oath: Do no harm, either to myself, others, or the planet. Also, as many anonymous random acts of kindness as I can cram into a day. I also would like to share two of my favorite wise sayings to live by. "You ARE the other guy", and "A thought is the same as a deed". Hope you can use these!
And lastly, on a personal creative note, I will not waste a day without indulging lavishly the creative gifts I have been given!! This is the source of my joy, my spirituality, and hopefully, how I will thrive and make an abundant living! Pace!!